<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4377"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4377"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:41"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/c3210043c4424c0ed824508273aea50d.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Baby Blessing
Baby Blessing

Licensing prices depend on the size and scope of your project.
Contact Max to license this cue, or to hire him for custom composing

From the album, Sacred Journeys.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4334"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4334"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="3:41"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/2b3a88985b47bf2032351b87bab00357.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Flying Not Falling
Flying Not Falling

3:41. Cello, piano, fretless bass, percussion, flute, bells, mallets, and what have you. So much fun, this one! Happy, joyful, cheerful, bouncy, light, good for you. Gets a little poignant near the end, then back to the happy ending. 

From the album, Flying Not Falling,

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4360"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4360"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:30"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/021311d360e50c48fcf15572069cb9fa.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Her Shoelace, My Heart
Her Shoelace, My Heart

4:30 long. Piano, soprano sax, cello, band. Whimsical, and funky, a bit New Orleans. Alternates between sweet and nostalgic, and sassy and upbeat. 

From the album, Hondo Blaze.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-5157"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="5157"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="3:02"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/e6b80c7d3e91d08fb333e313538de77e.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Living In A Box
Living In A Box

Vocal song. “I’m living in a box with a hole in the top. My soul at the bottom and oh, I forgotabout the hole in the top, can’t forget to stop stopping up the hole.”  

From the album, Flight Plans.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-5163"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="5163"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="3:05"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/130d6ec0e1b84a552f029d6c9cd4f0cf.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Nature

Vocal song. “I went out for nothin’, alone by the spring, and I fell down on purpose, when I jumped from the swing.”  

From the album, Flight Plans.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4345"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4345"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:04"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/f2e5b7075cbcf0cc71a9bec29c8ea2c6.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>New Girlfriend
New Girlfriend

4:04. Cello, piano, bells, flute, bass, pretty things. Whimsical, a little kooky. Light, fun, full of charm. 

From the album, Flying Not Falling,

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-5166"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="5166"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:06"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/e92abbb25c4834cad2906a7d6c7a1a08.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>The Duck
The Duck

Vocal song. “He’s a duck of few words. Feels like idle conversation’s strictly for the birds.”  

From the album, Flight Plans.

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