<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4229"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4229"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="1:13"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/f6e83077b7e7859f0ed3a8bc520cd350.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Nylon Triplets
Nylon Triplets

Poignant, warm, perhaps a love story. Maybe a Western love story. A sad man and his wife. Or a sad man and his horse. Or his wife and a horse. This cue can be customized to fit your project. 

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4364"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4364"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="13:29"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/04428b2e9a8aae673e35ce625fc70fa0.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Primal Connection
Primal Connection

13:29 long. Pads, flute, hand drum, special effects. Deep, etherial, tribal, dreamtime. Perfect for certain guided meditations, mystical scenes, peyote rituals and so on. 

From the album, Intuition.

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