<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4328"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4328"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="3:15"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/6c16d07e97b20a171c9df589a64b6a01.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Big TV
Big TV

3:15. Vocal song. “No, my baby don’t listen to me. She just sits there watchin’ that big TV.” Won NMMA award for Best Novelty Song, 2023. 

From the album, Hotcakes.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4327"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4327"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:09"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/ff2bd53d41e06f2d3bb5d9935b642912.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Low Hanging Fruit
Low Hanging Fruit

4:09. Funky jazz/rock. Deeply funky. So very, very funky, my friend. A deep jungle groove. If you don’t feel it, better check your pulse. 

From the album, Hotcakes.

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<div class="wcmp-player-container product-4303"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="4303"  volume="1"  preload="none" data-lazyloading="auto" class="wcmp-player track mejs-ted" data-duration="4:47"><source src="https://maxhighsteinmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/wcmp/69bc4520ff8c7c9b6e5e57e55ff0b4fa.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Meanwhile In The Backseat
Meanwhile In The Backseat

4:47. The windows are all fogged. That big black car’s a rockin’. Better not get too close. Severe funk/rock in progress. Dirty, nasty slide guitar. Better slide on down. 

From the album, Tiptoes.

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